Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Muslim First World Problems

The 'firstworldproblems' hashtag has made a resurgence recently (most hashtags do due to a combination of nostalgia (old twitter users) and belonging (new twitter users). Here are 25 of my favourite #muslimfirstworldproblems based on the comments that I got on my Facebook status. Thanks to everyone who contributed. For the full list, click here


Reading Istikhara because you can't decide whether to go PS4 or Xbox one #muslimfirstworldproblems

Maintaining the illusion that my earphones are for nasheeds only (M. Jamal)

People saying bismillah when switching on a new tv (R Ismail)

Running into muslim colleagues at the office, midweek, and not knowing what to say to them because even though you've known them for over a year, all your conversations thus far have started with "what time we going for juma?" (R Ebrahim)

When you can't decide whether to say aameen while watching the 'live-dua' from Makkah on DSTV.

Shopping around for the best quote to get hot water plumbing sorted for your intinja hose (S Mayet)

My son saying InshaAllah we get parking when we go shopping (F Laher)

eating at a seafood place that's not certified halaal and hope they don't use alcohol in their recipes  (HB Sayed)

Making shukr for ios 7 as now you can put Bukhari in a different folder/collection on your ibooks, instead of it being next to FHM.

Being disappointed that the wedding food is mutton biryani and not something more exotic (W Dawood)

Having to pay for your Zam Zam water because your luggage is overweight (W Dawood)

When u walk out of the loo at the mall with your valpre istinja bottle and the non muslims looking at you like "yuck! Was she drinking water in the toilet!" (Y Hattia)

Being bummed because 786 zn was taken.

Buying a bottle of water with the heaviest of hearts because you know that that money is literally being flushed away (R Ebrahim)

Explaining to your non-muslim colleagues that fasting doesnt mean 'no meat'.

Having to explain why you're making up for some fasts which had to be done in Ramadhaan  (S Gumede)

Not being able to get into the Turkish musjid because people are taking selfies at the entrance.

getting neck strain from getting your head stuck under the kurta of the brother in front of you (A Firfiry)

Reading Aayatul Kurdhsi during a horror movie (B Mahomed)

I've been 'ousted' as mayor of the masjid... that i live across the road from. (N Mayet)

Making wudhu in the corporate world and the boss walks into the bathroom as you have your feet in the basin. Height of awkwardness. (E Khan)

Confirming the shopping lists and making sure all the stores you wanna go to are open when going for hajj or umrah! (A Kadodia)

There are very few halaal coffee shops that serve slow roasted, fair-trade, organic brunches and offer free wifi. (A Bulbulia)

All these mainstream Qari's. (A Bulbulia)

Mufti Menk doesn't follow back

Please add yours to the comments or use the #muslimfirstworldproblems on Twitter. 

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