I had my first scene in the movie today :)
Its called Indian Werewolf (tentative title) and it stars Neville Pillay (Of ECR fame) and Kajol Maharaj (of hopefully a 'One Night in Kajol' fame)
I play the role of Mo - The Werewolf's friend and fellow Manchester United supporter (as is evident from my 'costume' - this is actually the second time in my life I wore a soccer top - its not really my thing) As you can see - the Blue Jeans with the orange patch is going strong and has made its way into full high definition :) Yeah baby.
I had some concerns about my character - specifically the delivery of my lines - Director wanted me to be deadpan - so I tried to be like Jaffar, but I might have come out sounding a little monotonous. And I kept saying Cunt instead of Bitch, so we had to have a few retakes.
I have no doubt that this movie will bomb at the box office, but I dont care - because its a wonderful experience working on it, and I know we'l make a killing in DVD sales :D Were half way done and its already three times better than Broken Promises (not that thats much of a boast or anything - a youtube video of my neighbours dog pissing against a wall is better than Broken Promises)
Will do my death scene next week, so im looking forward to that - Theres some special effects props and we have this awesome make up person - should make for some fun facebook profile pics :)
Its called Indian Werewolf (tentative title) and it stars Neville Pillay (Of ECR fame) and Kajol Maharaj (of hopefully a 'One Night in Kajol' fame)
I play the role of Mo - The Werewolf's friend and fellow Manchester United supporter (as is evident from my 'costume' - this is actually the second time in my life I wore a soccer top - its not really my thing) As you can see - the Blue Jeans with the orange patch is going strong and has made its way into full high definition :) Yeah baby.
I had some concerns about my character - specifically the delivery of my lines - Director wanted me to be deadpan - so I tried to be like Jaffar, but I might have come out sounding a little monotonous. And I kept saying Cunt instead of Bitch, so we had to have a few retakes.
I have no doubt that this movie will bomb at the box office, but I dont care - because its a wonderful experience working on it, and I know we'l make a killing in DVD sales :D Were half way done and its already three times better than Broken Promises (not that thats much of a boast or anything - a youtube video of my neighbours dog pissing against a wall is better than Broken Promises)
Will do my death scene next week, so im looking forward to that - Theres some special effects props and we have this awesome make up person - should make for some fun facebook profile pics :)
Looks like that werewolf really got to your jeans boet :P
Durban to Bollywood? Congrats :)
if by dvd sales you mean people copying and giving their aunty, then there will be quite a bit
i was thinking abt ur jeans when i read the post so it didnt hit me. you were in a MOVIE. that's tuff stuff. being in a movie wasn't on my list but if there are any openings for hijabi snipers lemme know
mmm....I had a dream that you were being attacked by a big hairy indian half-animal, but I thought that was the norm for Durban.
you're killing plot for us you know. Now we know you "die".
Awesome dude! You must let us know when it gets released :-)
By the way, I almost took a role in Broken Promises-I backed out at the ...good thing I did, hey?
I meant I backed out at the last minute :-)
Besides my stint on "The Res" and a few local soaps, the only movie I ever got close to was "Breaking and Entering" starring Jude Law and Juliet Binoche. I was working in London at the time and went for auditions, but as a part of the Borough of Camden crew, we were allowed on set while they filmed. I remember just starring at Juliet, I loved her in Chocolat with Johnny Depp...I couldn't bring myself to talk to her. But it was some Awesome awesome stuff :D
You want a job as an extra?
now about that autograph...
Azra - I love my infamous orange patch jeans :D
nafisa - Bollywood - naah :P
Waseem - exactly what i mean. damn pirates :P
Noojie moojie - Hijabi snipers? ask waseem - i am king with a sniper rifle :D when i saw hijabi sniper i thought about that guy from washington
Antonio - glad to see that i'm the highlight of your dreams ;)
R - Damn! Didnt think about that. curse you and your acute insight:D
Fuzz - thanks :D naah - you should have taken it - they are all life experiences. but I wouldnt lose sleep over losing a role in that :)
OH - why does that offer to Azra sound so dodgy ;)
Kimya - if i ever do become famous i'l take a page out of baba alis book and just carry yo yos or something and give them out instead of autographs
That was actually an offer to you
Did I miss something? Something about dodgy offers?
well whatever...
OH - in that case - sign me up :D
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